The European Venture Capital Funds Regulation [EU 2013/345] (EuVECA Regulation) was adopted in 2013 with the aim of making it easier for venture capital managers to raise funds across Europe by


As of 01 March, the newly revised EuVECA regulation is in effect. The EuVECA regime, which has only received little attention from the industry, will likely see a rise in popularity with managers of Venture-Capital and Growth-Funds and potentially even with managers of Small-Cap-Buy-Out-Funds. This SMP Briefing aims to present the EuVECA regime, highlight the newest revisions and describe for whom the EuVECA regime might be of interest.

The Regulation No 345/2013 on European Venture Capital Funds (EuVECA) and the Regulation 346/2013 on European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) became applicable on 22 July 2013. These Regulations provide for a common EU framework for the managers of EuVECA and EuSEF that are registered with the competent authorities, The European Venture Capital Fund Regulation (EuVECA) came into effect on 22 July 2013 to complement and coincide with the implementation of the AIFMD. As the EuVECA is a Regulation (and not a Directive) it does not need to be transposed into national law and so it … The Regulation was therefore introduced to plug that gap, and ensure that venture capital managers could more easily market their funds across the EU. The Regulation was recently amended, with the amendments coming into force on 1 March 2018. The changes were intended to encourage a greater uptake in the use of EuVECA funds.

Euveca regulation

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av FS Authority · 2018 — 17MiFIR = Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation, förordningen om marknader för finansiella instrument. 22European VentureCapital Funds (EuVECA). (EuSEF) och 345/2013 om europeiska riskkapitalfonder (EuVECA). 58 Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing  most appropriate manner in which to amend Regulation (EC) No 1185/2003. the designation 'EuVECA' to other Union programmes, such as Horizon 2020,  This Regulation lays down uniform requirements and conditions for managers of collective investment undertakings that wish to use the designation ‘EuVECA’ in relation to the marketing of qualifying venture capital funds in the Union, thereby contributing to the smooth functioning of the internal market.

The EuSEF Regulation supports the provision of finance to social businesses which are undertakings whose primary objective is to achieve social impacts rather than generate profits for shareholders and the EuVECA Regulation supports venture capital.

European Commission European Commission to The Regulation was recently amended, with the amendments coming into force on 1 March 2018. The changes were intended to encourage a greater uptake in the use of EuVECA funds. What is an EuVECA fund?

ACF issues federal regulations published in the Federal Register Visit disclaimer page and made available on Visit disclaimer page . The ACF regulations are searchable by fiscal year which lasts from Oct. 1 – Sept. 30. Visit

This SMP Briefing aims to present the EuVECA regime, highlight the newest revisions and describe for whom the EuVECA regime might be of interest. The European Venture Capital Fund Regulation (EuVECA) came into effect on 22 July 2013 to complement and coincide with the implementation of the AIFMD. As the EuVECA is a Regulation (and not a Directive) it does not need to be transposed into national law and so it has immediate effect in all Member States. The change to regulatory capital requirements could mean an increase for certain managers, as previously it has been a matter for local regulators to set. Going forward, the level for all EUVECA managers will be the greater of (1) one-eighth of fixed annual overheads from the previous year, and (2) €50,000. European Venture Capital (EuVECA) funds and their managers.

The site is secure. The https:// ensures that The Head Start Program Performance Standards are the foundation of Head Start’s mission to deliver comprehensive, high-quality individualized services to support the school readiness of children from low-income families. The Head Start Prog See a list of tobacco product rules and regulations from FDA - decisions grounded in science and that consider the health of the population as a whole. The .gov means it’s official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Bef Jul 12, 2019 It will apply as from that date to cross-border distribution of UCITS, AIFs, EuSEF and EuVECA. The main changes to the UCITSD and AIFMD are  Sep 18, 2017 The Regulations no. 345/2013 on European venture capital funds (EuVECA) and no.
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designation ‘EuVECA’ in relation to the marketing of qualifying venture capital funds in the Union, provided that they comply with the requirements laid down in that Directive and that they continue to comply with certain requirements for the use of the designation ‘EuVECA’ specified in this Regulation at all times in relation to European venture capital funds (EuVECA) - Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 Law details Information about Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 including date of entry into force and link to summary. This Regulation lays down uniform requirements and conditions for managers of collective investment undertakings that wish to use the designation ‘EuVECA’ in relation to the marketing of qualifying venture capital funds in the Union, thereby contributing to the smooth functioning of the internal market.

The EuVECA Regulation (EU) No. 345/2013 has been applicable since 22 July 2013 and has been revised by Regulation (EU) 2017/1991 of 25 October 2017.
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Advisor on fund regulation for the Swedish government. the Money Market Fund (MMF) fund regulation, the European Venture Capital funds (EUVECA) and 

Other conditions also apply for both types of fund. Regulation (EU) 2019/1156 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on facilitating cross-border distribution of collective investment undertakings and amending Regulations (EU) No 345/2013, (EU) No 346/2013 and (EU) No 1286/2014 (Text with EEA relevance) Regulation (EU) 2019/1156.