What would Benjamin Franklin have thought about P2P file sharing? We'll never … Matthew Lasar – 9/20/2010, 4:40 AM. 81 


While 4chan constantly attracts considerable interest in the popular press (Bartlett 2016, Ingram 2016), there is very lit-tle scientific work analyzing its ecosystem. To the best of our knowledge, the only measurement of 4chan is the work by (Bernstein et al. 2011), who study the “random” board on 4chan (/b/), the original and most active

Election returns for all electoral districts in Sweden. Includes information on the total number of persons entitled to vote in the general election, number of persons who actually voted, and number of valid and invalid ballots respectively. The Swedish Election Authority is tasked with the following: determining the outcome of an election and appoint members and substitutes to the Riksdag and the European Parliament. producing election materials such as voting cards, ballot papers, vote envelopes, and electoral rolls.

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With respect to the Netherlands, the case studies have been reserved to the early Russian influence   22 Sep 2014 "To me they're not leaked photos, they're stolen photos. "Me appearing nude in a film is my choice and I find it so terrible that these actresses  9 Dec 2017 content getting shared hit its lowest point on the day before the election. Even if only a small group of people promote mis/disinformation, that. An American Werewolf in London is a 1981 horror black comedy film written and directed by John Landis.

An American Werewolf in London is a 1981 horror black comedy film written and directed by John Landis. 4chan is an anonymous English-language imageboard  

Emma Ricknell: “Is Sweden Finally Waking Up?” Debating the 2018 Swedish National Election on 4chan. – Nora Theorin: Exploring Media Use  investigated foreign attempts to influence the 2018 Swedish elections online. campaigns in Sweden through fringe platforms such as 4Chan and Discord,  (2019).

r/4chan: make dat booty clap ho. Press J to jump to the feed. was looking for the swedish translatio , thanks. level 1. Sinnaj63. 20 points · 3 years ago.

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Online Scandinavian far-right networks made some attempts to seed disinformation and hate campaigns in Sweden through fringe platforms such as 4Chan and Discord, but these efforts were neither widespread or consistent. Debating the 2018 Swedish National Election on 4chan - Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift | Today’s ever evolving media landscape offers a multitude of ways to consume and spread political information “Is Sweden Finally Waking Up?”: Debating the 2018 Swedish National Election on 4chan 4Chan reacts to Biden (probably) winning the 2020 election - this may age horribly very soon but I don't care, it's still funny. Two election observers of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) present at the 2018 general election criticized this system, saying that it could endanger ballot secrecy, and that they would look into the issue in the report that was to be published eight weeks later. 2017-02-23 · The UI for 4chan is also archaic, barely changing from its initialization.
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facebook election fraud abuse There are “literally zero hoops,” one user in 4chan's /pol/ forum told another in 2015.

14 Jan 2020 Over the second half of the 2010s, the /pol/ ('politically incorrect') forum on the 4chan image board has emerged as a space within which  Disinformation and so-called fake news are contemporary phenomenawith rich histories. Disinformation, or the willful introduction offalse information for the pu 6 Sep 2011 Canvas, the image sharing-and-remix site built by the founder of infamously freewheeling Internet hangout / message board 4chan (picture  20 Oct 2016 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been denied internet for influencing presidential election. 4chan, Anoymous working to get him free  Table of contents for New Media & Society, 22, 12, Dec 01, 2020.
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International Influence Campaigns in the 2018 Swedish Election”. Kampanjen koordineras till viss del av ”högerextremister” på 4chan och 

العربية (Arabiska) To vote in the general election for [1] riksdagen you must be a Swedish citizen. For the other two elections, [2] landstingsfullmäktige and [3] kommunfullmäktige , it is enough that you: are a EU-citizen, citizen of Iceland or Norway - and have been registered for population purposes at least 30 days, Today’s ever evolving media landscape offers a multitude of ways to consume and spread political information and opinions, especially in election times. Yet in this diverse media ecosystem, not all Se hela listan på riksdagen.se The entire parliament is chosen by direct elections based on suffrage for all Swedish citizens aged 18 or over who are, or previously have been, residents of Sweden. General elections to the parliament are held on the second Sunday of September every four years.