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From precision surveying and pioneering design to on-the-ground construction, large-scale fabrication and asset management, we can work with you to design and complete complex projects. TEXO combines the two largest national construction associations to unify, advocate, and advance the construction industry in North and East Texas. Our work represents the strength of more than 300 members and drives the growth, economic standing, and improvement of our region. SOURCE TEXO offers IT professionals the world’s best sourcing tool.
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Antalet anställda har ökat med 8 personer sedan 2018 då det jobbade 34 personer på företaget. TEXO clearly cares about the wellbeing of the local contracting community, and I’ve enjoyed leaning on the TEXO team as we’ve worked to improve several of our processes.
Texo Byggprojekt AB. Kontaktperson. Vannerstedt, Linnea. 070-221 79 16. Adress. Rävabacken 1. 692 91 Kumla. Företagsbeskrivning
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Combining local knowledge and global expertise, our dedicated consultants have an in-depth understanding of these specialist sectors and […]
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TEXO was founded in 2018. We set out to change an old industry by creating an advanced technology marketplace that was otherwise non-existent.
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SOURCE TEXO offers IT professionals the world’s best sourcing tool. Use our quick forms to source the services you need, and use our business analysts with over 100 years combined experience, to help you make the right selection. Start your project SD-WAN Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur […] texo hq texo house venture drive westhill, aberdeen ab32 6fq. t:+44 (0)1224 44 66 00 e: info@texo.co.uk 1300 00 TEXO (8396) ADDRESS.