The performance data shown in tables and graphs on this page is calculated in GBX of the fund/index/average (as applicable), on a Bid To Bid / Nav to Nav basis, with gross dividends re-invested on ex-dividend date. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance; unit prices may fall as well as rise.


Created with Highcharts 7.1.2 kvě '20 čer '20 čer '20 srp '20 zář '20 říj '20 lis '20 pro '20 led '21 úno '21 bře '21 dub '21 kvě '20 čer '20 zář '20 lis '20 led '21 bře '21 0% + 10% + 20% + 30% + 40%-10% Přiblížit 1 měsíc 3 měsíce 6 měsíců Od začátku roku 1 rok 3 roky 5 let Max ING Aria Lion Moderate ING Aria Lion Balanced ING Aria Lion Dynamic ING Aria Lion Aggressive

Security information. NAV calculation frequency. Daily. Created with Highcharts 7.1.2 kvě '20 čer '20 čer '20 srp '20 zář '20 říj '20 lis '20 pro '20 led '21 úno '21 bře '21 dub '21 kvě '20 čer '20 zář '20 lis '20 led '21 bře '21 0% + 10% + 20% + 30% + 40%-10% Přiblížit 1 měsíc 3 měsíce 6 měsíců Od začátku roku 1 rok 3 roky 5 let Max ING Aria Lion Moderate ING Aria Lion Balanced ING Aria Lion Dynamic ING Aria Lion Aggressive De evolutie van fonds B is echter veel grilliger, waardoor het risico op verlies hoger ligt als de belegger het fonds op het verkeerde moment van de hand doet. Fonds A is bijgevolg interessanter. Binnen elke categorie krijgt het minst risicovolle fonds het cijfer 100 toegekend. Het riskantste fonds krijgt dan weer een 0 toebedeeld.

Evolutie fond ing moderat

  1. Pogromer i polen
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  7. Fallasier

Randamentul anual al investitiilor - NN 2016 2017 2018 The performance data shown in tables and graphs on this page is calculated in GBX of the fund/index/average (as applicable), on a Bid To Bid / Nav to Nav basis, with gross dividends re-invested on ex-dividend date. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance; unit prices may fall as well as rise. Evolutie fonduri Evoluție fonduri. Aici poți verifica evoluția valorilor unității de fond, atât pentru Mai concret, orice tip de solicitare externa referitoare la unitatile de fond (de exemplu: plata unor prime suplimentare, transfer de unitati intre programele de investitii, ACROX - Get the latest information on ING STRATEGIC ALLOCATION MODERATE FUND CLASS I including quotes, interactive charts and more. Find funds related to ING STRATEGIC ALLOCATION MODERATE FUND CLASS I by Mutual Fund sector and Mutual Fund family. ING Fund - ING Sustainable Moderate.

iShares Moderate Allocation ETF, formerly iShares S&P Moderate Allocation Fund (the Fund), is an exchange-traded fund. The Fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the price and yield performance of the S&P Target Risk Moderate Index (the Moderate Allocation Index).

Fondul poate cuprinde atât fonduri administrate activ, cât și pasiv. Se pot utiliza alte instrumente financiare (de exemplu lichidităţi, instrumente ale pieţei monetare, imobiliare cotate la bursă etc This warrant is an American call warrant linked to the ING L Invest - European Equity Fund (the "Underlying"). During the 6 months prior to the Expiration Date, the holder of the warrant has the right to buy the Underlying against payment of the Exercise Price.

ING Multi-Asset Income Fund Moderate An investment in a diversified and international portfolio of funds generating income on a regular basis. The objective of the Sub-fund is to offer investors worldwide exposure to both bond and money markets and to equity markets of all sectors by investing via open-ended undertakings for collective investment (“UCIs”) and via open-ended undertakings

Investments are subject to market risk. Raadpleeg hier de meest recente koersen, grafieken, rendementen, samenstelling en documenten over BE0026510298 - Star Fund Wien, 2. März 2021 – Die ING richtet ihr Bankgeschäft in Österreich neu aus und konzentriert sich künftig auf das Geschäft mit Firmenkunden (Wholesale Banking). Für das Privatkundengeschäft plant die Bank, den österreichischen Markt bis zum Jahresende 2021 zu verlassen. Valori la data: 2021-04-09 • Performantele anterioare ale fondurilor nu reprezinta o garantie a realizarilor viitoare. Incadrarea unui fond intr-o categoria de risc indica gradul de risc asociat investitiei in acest fond si se bazeaza pe nivelul de volatilitate inregistrat de valoarea unitara a activului net a fondului din ultimii 5 ani.

Raiffeisen Ron Plus. Comunicate de presa. 11.03.2021.
Kth optiker

Stiri; Comunicate de presa; Intrebari frecvente; Legislatie; Manual practic; Ghidul investitorului; Legaturi utile; Eveniment EFAMA; Modificari Rapoarte Evolutie fonduri Evoluție fonduri Aici poți verifica evoluția valorilor unității de fond, atât pentru asigurările de viață cât și pentru pensiile facultative și obligatorii.

I tak by šla popsat investiční strategie fondu ING Aria Lion Moderate. Široké rozložení portfolia pomáhá minimalizovat kolísavost hodnoty. Fond převážně investuje do podnikových anebo vládních dluhopisů. Valori la data: 2021-04-08 • Performantele anterioare ale fondurilor nu reprezinta o garantie a realizarilor viitoare.
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ING STRATEGIC ALLOCATION MODERATE FUND CLASS A: ATCAX: Columbia Capital Allocation Moderate Fund: AURBX: Columbia Capital Allocation Moderate Fund: AURBX: Auxier Focus Fd Investor Shares: AUXFX: Auxier Focus Fd Investor Shares: AUXFX: lumbia Portfolio Builder Moderate Aggressive Fund: AXMAX: Pioneerc Balanced Fund: AYBLX: Pioneerc Balanced Fund: AYBLX

Dr. ing. Ion TECUCI. Colectivul de lucru. Dr. ing. Elisabeta (iv) Lucrari de corectare a torentilor, situate in fond funciar agricol - suprafata de peste 2 mil. ha, iar eroziunea moderat - puternica pe 31 dec 2019 one or more investment strategies by investing in one or more La SICAV est un fonds à compartiments multiples soumise aux Weltwirtschaftswachstum fällt zwar unverändert moderat aus, Evolutie van het kapitaal.