Web of Science, Web of Science Group Journals list UGC Approved Web of Science Journals list (Group II) No further analysis of these journals will be done by the UGC Cell and all such journals are included in the UGC-CARE List.


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In FY2019, the Libraries did not receive an increase to its materials budget, creating a budget deficit in the context of an average annual six percent increase in … 2019-03-20 Web of Science. Web of Science is a multidisciplinary research platform which enables simultaneous cross-searching of a range of citation indexes and databases. The databases included in our subscription are: Web of Science Core Collection, 1900-present: BIOSIS Citation Index, 1926-present: Access to Web of Science via WAM is known to work in most cases. The support team at Innovative Interfaces has asked that customers experiencing specific issues with the WAM proxy address their support requests for this proxy server to Innovative Interfaces at helpdesk@iii.com or (510) 655-6200 (Within the USA) or +15104506344 (Outside of the USA). Web of Science, Web of Science Group Journals list UGC Approved Web of Science Journals list (Group II) No further analysis of these journals will be done by the UGC Cell and all such journals are included in the UGC-CARE List. Web of Science Core Collection enables users to search current and retrospective multidisciplinary information from over 12,000 research journals worldwide, as well as international proceedings coverage for over 120,000 conferences.

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Unfortunately, your browser is outdated and doesn Powered by Web of Science 2020 Recipients Methodology FAQs Recognizing the true pioneers in their fields over the last decade, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science™.