This page displays a table with actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, statistics and historical data charts for - List of Countries by Corporate Tax Rate. List of Countries by Corporate Tax Rate - provides a table with the latest tax rate figures for several countries including actual values, forecasts, statistics and historical data.


Corporate Tax Rates Table KPMG’s corporate tax rates table provides a view of corporate tax rates around the world. Data is also available for: indirect tax rates , individual income tax rates , employer social security rates and employee social security rates and you can try our interactive tax rates tool to compare tax rates by country, jurisdiction or region.

Each EU country has a standard rate which applies to the supply of most goods and services. This cannot be less than 15%. 47 rows 47 rows I. List of VAT rates applied in the Member States (in %) Member States Code Super-reduced Rate Reduced Rate Standard Rate Parking Rate Belgium BE - 6 / 12 21 12 Bulgaria BG - 9 20 - Czech Republic CZ - 10 / 15 21 - Denmark DK - - 25 - Germany DE - 7 19 - Estonia EE - 9 20 - Ireland IE 4.8 9 / 13.5 23 13.5 Greece EL - 6 / 13 24 - Spain ES 4 10 21 - The remaining 18 EU countries (out of 28 current EU member states) have ETRs between 12% and 20%. Some of the biggest EU economies are within this range, including the United Kingdom (14.9%), France (16.7%) and Germany (19.6%). 2019-02-28 The EU sets the broad VAT rules through European VAT Directives, and has set the minimum standard VAT rate at 15%. The 27 member states (plus UK) are otherwise free to set their standard VAT rates. The EU also permits a maximum of two reduced rates, the lowest of which must be 5% or above.

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47 rows 47 rows I. List of VAT rates applied in the Member States (in %) Member States Code Super-reduced Rate Reduced Rate Standard Rate Parking Rate Belgium BE - 6 / 12 21 12 Bulgaria BG - 9 20 - Czech Republic CZ - 10 / 15 21 - Denmark DK - - 25 - Germany DE - 7 19 - Estonia EE - 9 20 - Ireland IE 4.8 9 / 13.5 23 13.5 Greece EL - 6 / 13 24 - Spain ES 4 10 21 - The remaining 18 EU countries (out of 28 current EU member states) have ETRs between 12% and 20%. Some of the biggest EU economies are within this range, including the United Kingdom (14.9%), France (16.7%) and Germany (19.6%). 2019-02-28 The EU sets the broad VAT rules through European VAT Directives, and has set the minimum standard VAT rate at 15%. The 27 member states (plus UK) are otherwise free to set their standard VAT rates. The EU also permits a maximum of two reduced rates, the lowest of which must be 5% or above. Implicit tax rates. During a transitional period, given that a withholding tax can ensure a minimum level of effective taxation, especially at a rate increasing 

road tax, motor vehicle tax; see chapter 2.2). These Corporate taxes could the the most harmful form of taxation to economic growth. Contrary to public perception, there has been no reduction in corporate tax revenues in relation to GDP in the last 40 years.

This page displays a table with actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, statistics and historical data charts for - List of Countries by Sales Tax Rate. List of Countries by Sales Tax Rate - provides a table with the latest tax rate figures for several countries including actual values, forecasts, statistics and historical data.

This is true , for example , of trade by private persons across internal EU borders  For electricity , there is a slightly lower tax rate than that applied in the ' other Sweden's EU membership means that Community regulations concerning state  Calculations indicate that a tax rate corresponding to 30 % of product prices with the use of pesticides are harmonized at the EU level wherever possible . 1 Den implicita skattesatsen (implicit tax rate, ITR) på energi är kvoten mellan en koldioxidskatt för alla sektorer utanför EU-ETS som motsvarade det pris på  The tax rate is highest in Sweden and lowest in Iceland. the Nordic countries meet the so-called convergence criteria that apply to the EU member countries. Då årets reserv inte utnyttjats ska nu ungefär 4,8 miljarder kronor återföras till EU:s lantbrukare. Sveriges del är drygt 89 miljoner kronor. The quoted income tax rate is, except where noted, the top rate of tax: most jurisdictions have lower rate of taxes for low levels of income. Some countries also have lower rates of corporation tax for smaller companies.

The 27 member states (plus UK) are otherwise free to set their standard VAT rates. The EU also permits a maximum of two reduced rates, the lowest of which must be 5% or above. Implicit tax rates. Payable tax credits.
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All our related research and data. Taxation.

Check tax rates, contact details of tax authorities, definitions of tax residence in the different EU countries: Choose This page displays a table with actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, statistics and historical data charts for - List of Countries by Corporate Tax Rate.
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But they can be hard to track down, and it could be difficult to find an updated list of EU VAT rates because they change all the time. The minimum rate for VAT in EU is 15% for the standard rate . The minimum VAT rate for the reduced rate is 5%, but not all countries follow this policy ( France , Italy , Ireland , Austria , Luxembourg , and Spain ).

This cannot be less than 15%.